
Áxenon Ikánwe: Shipibo-Konibo Radio Program, with ARIAP
The objective of the Áxenon Ikánwe (A-shew-nown ee-KAN-wew) radio program is to promote the living language through practice. It is the first radio program to produce entirely in the Shipibo-Konibo language. Read more…
Non Jói: Shipibo-Konibo Language Program, with ARIAP is a non-profit project to revise, decolonize, and reclaim the Shipibo-Konibo dictionary while promoting the living language, led by The Shipibo-Konibo Language Empowerment Committee – Non Jói Kóshi Ákaibo. Read more...

Non Ráo: Sustainable Medicinal Plant Project with FECONADIC
FECONADIC represents Shipibo-Konibo communities of the Calleria river basin. FECONADIC works to revalue cultural identity, the conservation of biodiversity and sustainble management of the forest. Non Ráo is planting 3,000 banisteriopsis caapi vine as a first phase of an expanded medicine plant project. Read more....

Kené Néte: Shipibo-Konibo Artisans and Fashion Designers Start-Up, with Alianza Arkana
KENÉ NÉTE aims to create a collective of young artisans and fashion designers, based on Shipibo-Konibo craftsmanship with a perspective of sustainable fashion design, preparing them for the national and international market. Read more...

Jakon Rate Center for Shipibo-Konibo Studies, with Asociación Jakon Rate
Asociación Jakon Rate is creating an educational sanctuary for workshops, courses, and traditional samá to help current and new generations learn, practice, and regenerate timeless cultural customs and practices of the Shipibo-Konibo. Read more...

Axenon Ikanwe Shipibo-Konibo Radio Program