Jakón Jói
“A Life-Giving Good Language, Message, Word or Voice”
Online Shipibo-Konibo Language Lessons
Jakon Joi an intercultural group of Shipibo-Konibo language teachers. Our lessons cover both everyday spoken Shipibo-Konibo as well as medicine vocabulary, while planting the foundations of this life-giving good language, message, word or voice. Jakón Jói!

Meet the Instructors

PRICE: $250.00 USD per module, $450.00 USD for 2 modules
15% of income generated is shared with our partner organizations Alianza Arkana, ARIAP, and Jakon Rate.
Each self-paced module can be found here: jakonjoi.thinkific.com/courses/jakonjoi
For any questions and other language learning opportunities please visit koshinete.com/language-education/